Health Room
Welcome to the Orefield Middle School Health Room
Our Health Room philosophy is to maintain optimal health for all students so they may reach their full academic potential.
The Health Rooms are open daily for all students and staff in need of medical attention, for illnesses and injuries that occur while at school. Our staffing consists of a Certified School Nurse and health room assistants.
State Mandated Requirements
Sixth Grade
- Physical Exam
- Scoliosis Screening
- Height/Weight/Vision Screening
Seventh Grade
- Dental Exam
- Immunizations:
- One dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) (if 5 years has elapsed since last tetanus immunization)
- One dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV)
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) 2nd dose
- Scoliosis Screening
- Hearing
- Height/Weight/Vision Screening
Eighth Grade
- Height/Weight/Vision Screening
Possession/use of Asthma Inhalers
There are times when, in the best interest of the student’s health, an asthma inhaler should be carried throughout the school day.
Before a student may possess or use an asthma inhaler during school hours, the Board shall require the following:
- A written request from the parent/guardian that the school comply with the order of the private physician.
- A statement from the parent/guardian acknowledging that the school is not responsible for ensuring the medication is taken and relieving the district and its employees of responsibility for the benefits or consequences of the prescribed medication.
- A written statement from the private physician that states:
- Name of student
- Name of medication
- Dosage
- Times medication is to be taken
- Diagnosis or reason medication is needed, unless confidential
- Potential serious reaction or side effects of medication
- Emergency response
- If child is qualified and able to self-administer the medication