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Orefield Middle School

Educating for Success, Inspiring Excellence

Summer School Information

2024 Summer School Information

Parkland School District will be offering a summer school program for high school and middle school students who have failed courses during the regular school year.  All work must be completed prior to 11:30 am on August 1, 2024.  There is an extensive amount of work to be completed and work WILL need to be completed outside of class to achieve a passing grade. 

Classes run Monday through Thursday and begin on Monday, June 24, 2024 and will end on Thursday, August 1, 2024.  (Please note: Classes will not be held on Thursday, July 4 or Friday July 5, 2024 for the Independence Day Holiday).

Classes available to 6th grade thru 12th  grade are English, History, Mathematics, Science and Physical Education.  No Electives will be offered.

  • Students will be limited to TWO subjects in summer school.
  • Attendance will be taken each day.
  • Students accumulating 3 absences and/or the equivalent to three days of missing work will meet with the summer school administrator for possible dismissal from the program without any reimbursement.
  • If a student will be out for an extended period of time, a note from the parent/guardian is required prior to the absence and all work is still required to be completed by the end of summer school. Students must complete weekly goals of at least 1/6 of the course load per week. Students who do not meet these weekly goals may be removed from summer school. 

If a student shows inadequate interest or progress within 5 days of the start of summer school the student will be dropped from the class and have to repeat the course in the 2024-25 school year. 

Attendance will be taken every day and each student is required to ATTEND DAILY FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR BETWEEN 8:30 AM AND 11:30AM and submit his/her assigned daily modules (lessons) every day.  All students are required to complete all summer school work by 11:30 AM, Thursday August 1, 2024.  No exceptions will be made. Each class has different requirements but each will require more than 1 hour per day to pass the class.  Students must meet with their assigned teacher for each session to be marked present, open tests and get assistance with the content if needed.

Cost for Summer School: The cost of each class is $275 payable via check. Students with free or reduced lunch are given a reduced rate of $165 per class. Any returned checks will be charged an additional fee of $25 for non-sufficient funds. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED All classes must be completed by 11:30 AM on Thursday August 1, 2024. There will be NO Exceptions. Successful summer work by students can in some instances mean promotion to the next grade and in all cases provides a better foundation for next term. We urge you very strongly to have students enroll in these classes.

Transportation is NOT provided for summer school.

Registration for Classes 

Registration for classes will take place ONLINE ONLY through GoogleForms until Wednesday, June 19 at 3 pm. Please fill out all of the required fields on the form and check the boxes to acknowledge the payment expectations. An email confirmation will be sent to your child with their login and password information by Friday, June 21, 2024. 

Link to the Google Form: